6 Qualities of a Good Employee

6 Qualities of a Good Employee

What are the qualities of a good employee?

  1. Dedicated
  2. Reliable
  3. A team player
  4. Integrity
  5. A lifelong learner


  • Employees with dedication are often those who find a purpose in their responsibilities, career, or company.
    Good employees are reliable because they ensure that their actions and words align with each other.
  • Team player is a quality that more companies look for because more businesses grow to be more collaborative spaces.
  • Integrity is important in a good employee because they value transparency to create healthy working environments.
    Employees who are lifelong learners know the importance of guidance and mentorship to satisfy their professional curiosities and decisions.

As companies grow more competitive and dynamic, good talents are assets to the success of various businesses. It is always an employer’s aspiration to invest in great talent with the necessary skills and qualifications, as well as characteristics that will add value to the company.

In searching for the right candidates, it is pivotal for employers and hiring managers alike to take a look into the qualities of good employees. In this article, we explore five of these traits to look for available candidates in the market.


All executives and managers want a dedicated member of their company. This is because dedicated employees value their impact on the overall success of the team. It can be seen in their eagerness to adapt to changes like new technological management systems. It can also be in their keenness to volunteer for new tasks such as taking on new clients. Even as simple as going to work on time and delivering consistent quality assignments are signs of dedication.

Candidates do not necessarily need to be experts in their field to have this quality. For many individuals, dedication is a result of a passion for a certain project, the trajectory of their career, or the company’s mission and mission.

A few questions to determine their dedication can be asking about their goals, motivation, and their definition of success. This can help you filter out persons who are more committed than others.



Reliability is one of the important qualities of good employees that hiring managers look for. While this is often interchangeable, it does not lessen their impact on the overall success of the business.

Apart from the notable effective communication and respecting project timelines, individuals with this character make it a point to align what they say with what they do. Keeping their promises is an essential practice for them because they value trust. They do not want to let other people down by overpromising deadlines, tasks, and other details of the assignment.

Applicants are often given the chance to showcase this quality when asked a situational question during the interview. The famous one is, “Tell me about the time you made a mistake.” Their answers should display their proactive actions to get through the said obstacle or challenge.

A Team Player

Many businesses foster collaboration in their workplace. It is through this practice that effective ideas and solutions are made with different expert perspectives. That is why it is only necessary for team leaders to look for hires who can adapt to this environment.

To be a good team player, your candidates should display signs of flexibility and inclusivity. It can be through confidence in leading or facilitating open communication lines for big and heavy projects like rebranding or product launches.



Integrity is important to foster trust in working environments, and trust is essential for companies and teams to run smoothly. This quality is only tested and proven with time.

It can be seen in the individual’s open and transparent communication with their supervisors and colleagues. It is also seen in their inclination to admit errors in a project campaign, respect confidentiality, and stand up against discrimination of any kind.

An interview question like “When was the last time you broke the rules and what was the situation?” can let you navigate a candidate’s honest character in the beginning. Yet, to promote and sustain this principle in your office, employers should lead by example and implement technology that can support transparency in operations.

A Lifelong Learner

Good employees make it a point to constantly learn new tricks. These tricks can be learning new software and equipment or mastering better procedures in production or manufacturing. This quality means that they prioritize developing new skills to align themselves in the market without compromising their attentiveness to their tasks.

Employees who value an open and learner mindset often seek out challenging assignments to develop themselves. They are not afraid to ask for help because they believe in the power of mentorship and guidance no matter where they are in their career. They value feedback, adopt a growth mindset, and use various learning resources such as online courses and seminars.

Key Takeaway

It is important to note that as much as employers or hiring managers tend to look for these qualities during the hiring process, they can also be honed. To guarantee that employees gain or develop these great characteristics, companies should make an effort to foster healthy working environments.

At Leadership Stack, we value candidates who already have these distinctions but also candidates who garner the potential to gain them. If you and your company believe this same value but don’t know where to begin, contact us and get to know more strategies on how to spot potential in the market.

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