Strategy Sprints Unleashed: Unlocking Your Business’s Full Potential with Simon Severino

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Strategy Sprints Unleashed: Unlocking Your Business’s Full Potential


Sean: And you mentioned 274 processes. I wonder how these potential clients or these clients of yours take that and you mentioned earlier that you choose which cuisine you want them to cook.

You just show it to them for five minutes. But if you tell me, Sean I have 274 new processes to inject into your organization I’d be like, that’s a lot. How can we finish that in 90 days?

Simon: You don’t need all of them. You just need 15 to 32 of them. And that’s the amount that is implementable in 90 days because everybody is in a different situation. So some people just need to crush it on LinkedIn.

They will just take the LinkedIn processes. It’s 3 or 4 of those modules. Some other people have to work on the offer, so they take 5 or 6 modules to improve the offer. Other people have a great offer. They just need to close more deals. They just take the closing modules.

So depending on where you are, if you are getting a lot of engagement but you are not closing it, we will work on closing it if you are closing a lot, but in the delivery, they are not super happy, then we have to work on the delivery.

If you deliver well, but they don’t stay long. Then we have to work on the retainment. So depending on what your current bottleneck is, we will work on that piece and that is something 15 to 30 modules that we need for you in your particular sprint.

Sean: What’s the size usually? You mentioned earlier that different companies have different levels. Yes, I agree, but I imagine not all companies of all sizes would be able to afford your engagement.

I wonder what kind of companies would usually start engaging with you. Are these companies already scaling up? They’re in their fifth year, sixth year. What companies usually engage with you and would need something like this?

Simon: So we work with B2B businesses who are doing 35 to 100,000 per month and want to double it in 90 days. They have a B2B offer, which is a high ticket offer, a 10K, 20K, 50K offer, and they are selling it right now.

So they have something going on and they want to double it. They want to get their time free, they want to have better processes, they want to have more fun when they deliver and they want to have less of the boring clients and more of the clients that they find exciting to work with. So these are the people.

It’s usually not below 35K per month. Some of them come at an early stage before 35K per month. These are typically B2B software teams. They come and say something, I want to sprint. I’m not 35K revenue right now, but I have investors, so I have cash flow.

I want to start even before we go live because I want to have the strategy dialed in and know exactly who it is for. I want to have your feedback on the product in beta. And so those teams, they come even before 35K.

But if it’s a professional service, an agency, a consultancy, or an educator, they are usually above 35K when they start with us and then we double the revenue in 90 days. Awesome.

Sean: Sounds a lot like me. Okay. So, Simon, I wonder with businesses that you’ve worked with and these are above 35K what are the most common things that they usually struggle with?

Do you usually struggle really with the CEO not having that much time and being too involved in the trees themselves? Or are there other things that you find are common outside of that?

Simon: The main thing is they say, I’m in a time crunch. I’m always in a time crunch. I don’t have enough time for my family, for my kids, for my workouts, or my hobbies. If I go on vacation for four weeks, I will feel guilty. So that’s the main thing.

I started a business to feel free and I am not free. The business is running me. I am not running the business. So that’s the main thing. So for example, Anthony, he came, he’s an amazing sales trainer.

When the Nasdaq needed sales trainers they called Anthony and he came and he said, Simon, I’m doing super well in sales, but the whole thing is dependent on me. So if I go on holiday, nothing happens. And I have to do so many things that I hate doing.

I like only being on stage, crushing it on stage, and selling from there, and then I want everything else to be done by my team. But I don’t have a team, so I need to hire. I don’t know how to hire, how do I start the job description? How do I onboard them? How do I create the processes?

So many questions. I get a headache just thinking about it. Can your sprint deliver just immediately the processes? And we say, Yeah, sure. And so Anthony became a testimonial, had an amazing sprint, and now he has the team running everything and he just does his zone of genius, which is being on stage selling from there.

And he wrote now I think his fourth book because he has so much time now just to do what he likes to do, speaking, speaking, speaking. And when he gets off the stage, he writes it down. It becomes the next amazing book.

His current book, Elite Sales Strategies, is super cool, and he’s writing. Another one that he sent me will come out soon. It’s about sales leadership. Amazing stuff. And he was so happy that he wrote the foreword to our book, Strategy Sprints. And in the foreword, he says what the sprint did for him.

Sean: That’s amazing. You guys are changing lives for these people. And so when you talk. For example, with Anthony and you said, Yeah, yeah, sure, why not? We can do that. And he had no idea how to do it. I wonder, how do you now guide him to start?

Your coach and I are asking this because maybe some people who are tuned in here would be interested in engaging with you. Does your coach tell the client this is how you do it? This is step one. This is step two.

You have to register on LinkedIn. You got to pay them this amount. You got to run some ads here. Is it a step-by-step process? Because you mentioned Anthony was a one-man team. He hated doing everything else.

That was, if you ask me, it sounds like your team can’t be able to do all of that with him.

Simon: Yeah, it’s with him. So in month one, we mapped out again. So he said, What’s your vision? Where do you want to be in three years? And so what’s the goal for in three months? 

And that he was defining the vision and the three goals. And then the Sprint coach helped him pull from the 274 templates each week’s thing to do. And so in week one, they were working on the vision.

In week two, they were working on the strategy. Which channels will we use for that? Which roles do you need to hire first, then second, then third? So the hiring strategy. And then he had to write the job post.

The coach gave him the swipe copy to post the job on LinkedIn. He posted the job. He screened the people. We gave him the blueprints on how to do the screening process because otherwise, it takes forever.

But with the checklist, he had a pretty lean, pretty quick way of meeting them, having them at the demo, picking the first candidates, and onboarding them in the onboarding. You can lose so much time.

So he had the onboarding blueprints, he onboarded them, and that made it possible that after three months he was like, Wow, now my business runs independently of me. I’m just one of the people in the business, but I am not the business. If I’m on holiday, stuff still works. The sales are being done, marketing is being done, the delivery is being done. There is just no stage and no writing, which is my job. But it’s okay. The core of the business is running even when I’m on holiday, so that was possible in three months because of that.

And he had just three freelancers. You can do it with freelancers. You don’t have to bloat up. You can do it with software and with freelancers.

Sean: That’s amazing. And Simon, I love the idea. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this kind of product and service that you provide.

And so if people want to know more and you mentioned that all of the processes are in the book, where’s the best place to ask you about the book, about the inner workings? If they want to buy it, where to get it, Where’s the best place to get in touch with you?

Simon: And if you click there you can talk to us and many tools are open-source on the website. You can just grab the tool and do it.

I recommend buying the book Strategist Prince on Amazon because the book walks you really through many things that you can implement in yourself.

And if you like that and you want to go even deeper you go to strategist talk to us and see if a sprint is something for you.

Sean: You and I imagine buying it on Amazon would have those blue links right there that they can click on Kindle, right?

Simon: Yes, there’s the Kindle version. Yeah, totally. Amazon, Yeah.

Sean: Yeah. Simon, thank you so much. This has been a pleasure. I’ve learned a lot. I’m imagining some things that I already would like to apply in my business. 10 to 15 hours sounds pretty sweet to me.

I hope I could get some of that in my company, in my time, and in my calendar. And is there anything that you would like to impart to our listeners here?

These are people who are startup entrepreneurs or who want to get into starting up their businesses or mid-level managers thinking about starting up.

Simon: Keep rolling. It’s tough times. Don’t give up. Keep rolling. Find processes that are good for you and just keep improving. Only this one core process don’t run many projects at once. 

Reduce the number of projects, just one process and that one process you just do every day. Zoom out of the news. Don’t let yourself be too consumed by the news. Just improve those six things every day. Celebrate the small wins with your team every week and just move from week to week.

Sean: Amazing stuff. Simon, Severino, and Guys thank you so much for being here. We are better for it.

Simon: Thank you. It was fun. Keep rolling.

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