How To Make Your Organization’s EQ Higher with Michael Seaver

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How To Make Your Organization’s EQ Higher with Michael Seaver


Sean: I want to take that and put it now in a working environment where what if and didn’t have EQ tests before? I have people right now who I realize I’m not saying this is the case, but what if I make them take the test?

I realize a lot of them or some of them have low EQ and maybe that’s why they haven’t been able to work together well with some people on the team or me. What can I do now to either improve on that or to make sure that they’re able to work together with other people?

Michael: Yeah, that could be if the individual is self-driven, it could be that part of you monetarily incentivizes them to work on it. Say, Hey, in 90 days, I need you to improve on this. If you do this, this, and this, I’m going to give you this bonus, right? So at the individual level, you could monetize it and incentivize them with money. I’ve seen some organizations hire the individual, an external coach, or require that.

So you could hire them an external coach or you could require that they watch particular online videos or buy the Bradbury and Greaves book and go through it and take the assessment. Right. There are several things that you could do at the individual level. But I also think that at the organizational level, you can create a lot of transparency inside your meetings, right?

So each meeting that your teams have, they should require that at the very beginning of the meeting, every single person on the team is forced to say something about a win that they had or some celebration or recognition. Good. So then you go through you hold people accountable for what it is that they needed to do in the last couple of weeks. But then the thing that drives high levels is what you do at the end of the meeting, which is every person in the meeting has to go around the table and say 2 or 3 things that they’re going to do or accomplish before the next meeting.

And if you do that and they say it transparently to the entire team now, the boss, of course, has to hold them accountable, but every other team member heard them say what it is that they were going to accomplish. Now, every team member is pure accountability, right? And so in this particular case, you just make this person talk a little bit about things that they’re going to do in work that become more emotionally intelligent. Now their peers are going to hold them accountable to do that. Okay. So you could monetarily incentivize them, you could hire them a coach, you could require training, and you could change and tweak the meeting structures inside of the organization a little bit to drive peer accountability.

So there’s a lot of ways that it happens to get a person or a team to become a higher level EQ but it’s just important, I think, as we continue into this kind of new version of Earth, that we do it in a very collaborative, open and transparent way. 

So just increasingly make those structures inside your business open, make the meetings open, make the, you know, whatever system that you use to be able to share stuff online, make all of the notes and things very transparent and open for everybody to read.

Because in that way, people now start to see that they can’t hide parts of themselves anymore. They are required to share parts of themselves.

Sean: Yeah, yeah. Love it. And now that you opened this topic where we are moving towards a more emotional world today, what do you think drives this being this more emotional population? I mean, we are, you know, especially here in the Philippines where like 90% of the population are Facebook users.

And if there’s a voting contest in the Philippines, can you be sure that everyone’s voting? So what do you think drives this movement towards being more emotional as a global population? Is it social media? Is it because we can, you know, let out on social media or can be honest and we can put out our opinion there?

With or without people pitching in, whatever it is that they think against or for our opinion. What do you think drives this?

Michael: Yeah, there’s I’ll give you two answers, Sean. So the first comes from numerology, astrology, you know, kind of Hindu beliefs, right at its core, which is Earth moved in 2012 from what’s referred to as the age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius

And so this is a very energetic, a very quantum-level transition that Earth is going through. So if anybody listening, or watching wants to explore, just type in Age of Aquarius into your search engine and learn about the shifts and the changes that are happening on Earth as a result, that’ll be very helpful.

Number two, in a more business sense, is that when the lockdowns and the stay-at-home orders started in March of 2020 around the world from COVID, 2020 and 2021 were a time of astronomical change for humanity because everybody’s habits and routines and rituals were changed almost overnight. Right. Because they weren’t able to go to an office, their kids didn’t go to school. So families. Right. Were forced to homeschool kids.

They were forced to work from home. So people in that year and a half, almost two years, learned that they’re far more capable of change than they ever thought possible.

So as they’re navigating all of these changes, the frustration and the sadness and the anger at having to change came to the surface. So what was once suppressed is now being openly shared. And that happened in 2020, 2021.

So this year, 2022, we started to see people integrate those emotions and they’ve become better at being okay with the change in their way. So what we’re seeing now and we’re going to continue to see into next year is a much more proactive assertion of people living life the way that they want to.

So you’re going to see fewer big companies and you’re going to see smaller companies and more entrepreneurship and more solopreneurs. You’re going to see a big shift to that because people learned in 2020 and 2021 that they could do it right, because before they only thought that they could work for someone else and be safe.

But they had two years of transformation and change and high emotion like, Oh, I can do this for myself. I can be like Sean or I can be like Michael. Yeah, right. And now they want to, yeah. So you’re going to see a big transition through the remainder of this year and into 2023 where people are much more proactive at going after what they want and standing in their truth, standing in their authenticity because they want to live a life 100% under their terms, on their terms.

So Astrologically Earth moved from the age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, but in 2020, 2021, as a result of a stay-at-home order and the pandemic, people learned through emotion that they could change. And when they learned that, they started to realize, I don’t like this part of my life. I want it to be this way. I want to change this part of my life to be this way. So they’re changing gyms. They’re changing employers as some people are changing spouses, right? They’re moving to different places. So there are a lot of things that are changing because people now believe that they can.

Sean: Yeah, Yeah. Got it. Oh, my goodness. But yeah, it’s it. And the volatility goes on, right? I mean it’s not settling yet. We could see the light at the end of the tunnel but we were not out of the woods yet. 100%. And Michael, you wrote a book. Um, and the title is I know Mean You have it right there. I could see it in your background. Yeah. Tell us a little bit about what we can get out, the value that we can get out of the book.

Michael: Yeah. Thank you. So the book was. I never really thought that I was ever going to write a book, but I had several clients that encouraged me to. So finally, when the pandemic started in 2020, I took that summer and did it. But really what it is, is that I want people to believe unequivocally that they can go through the nine chapters in the book. The first three chapters are designed to help them let go of their old self, the parts of themselves that they don’t want to keep. The middle three chapters are about how you create your brand based on many of the things that Sean and I have been talking about today. So DISC motivators, core values, life experiences, and emotional intelligence, and then help them create a new identity for themselves.

And the third three chapters are about how it is that you move to a place to be a coach to yourself, be a coach to others, be a better organizational developer? So the book is a step-by-step process, right? To be able to go from here’s the old version of myself that was disengaged, that was unhappy, that was unproductive.

If I go through these nine chapters of Michael’s book, I’m going to be authentic. I’m going to be living my life’s purpose. I’m going to know what happiness is for me. I’m going to be very, very productive right inside of a business. I’m going to have better friendships, right? Better relationships. The point is to say I don’t have to live. This old life made me unhappy. I can go through this book in this series of processes to get to this place of really, genuinely loving life.

Sean: That’s amazing. Sounds like a very transformational book for someone to read. Love it. Yeah. I’m so glad you took the plunge and wrote your book, by the way. People will learn a lot from you. And if they want to get in touch, Michael, where’s the best place to be able to do that?

Michael: Yeah. So my website is My middle name is Scott, so that’s why there are seconds there. So just type in Michael S Seaver anywhere in your search engine, but you can go to You’ll see I have online classes, I have several books. I have, I think, 450 different media mentions and stuff that I’ve done across the world. I think I’ve been a guest on, I think maybe 60 podcasts. And so it’s kind of the website. The website is a repository of information for that person who’s looking to define their life purpose and become the most authentic version of themselves. So is the best and I’m on LinkedIn and Instagram and Facebook and many social media channels. So there’s also the possibility that someone could find me there as well.

Sean: Awesome. And for those of you here on YouTube or Spotify, we will have these in the show notes. Just go to and Search for Michael Seaver. You don’t want to type it. You’re on the road. No problem. Just head over there. We’ll have the links. All for you. Michael, thank you so much for being here. 61 guest things right now for you. And yeah, we are better for it. We are better off having you here. Thank you so much.

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